CARCASSONNE – BASTIDE – From Jun 29, 2024 to Sep 29, 2024 – 09:45 to 12:30 – 13:30 to 18:15

Last update 25/07/2024

Musée des Beaux Arts
15 boulevard Camille Pelletan

+33 4 68 77 73 70




MBA_CARCA_Sulmon, Collioure étude_2022 - © Yahnn OwenSHANGTI_Luxury Sixth Dinner©Shangti StudiosMBA_CARCA_Tasse soucoupe_doree__XIXBASSANO_Jésus et les disciples d'Emmaüs_1876MBA_CARCA_998.2MBA_CARCA_995.39CHARDIN, La table d'office © RMN


A Viollet-Le-Duc exhibition in Carcassonne seems to be obvious, the Medieval City being one of its great architectural achievements. However, in addition to his work as an architect, he was also a talented and prolific draftsman. The exhibition «Viollet-Le-Duc, Trésors d’exception» allows to discover its creative genius for decorative art. Designer before the hour, he imagines the precious works that constitute the treasures of our most beautiful churches and cathedrals. In the nineteenth century, religious furniture has an essential role because functional during liturgical ceremonies. It is also, for Viollet-Le-Duc and his emulators, a field of creation and freedom, much more important than that of restoration.

The presentation of these remarkable objects allows to present the collaboration between the architects restorers of ecclesiastical monuments and the workshops of goldsmithery in the second half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. By exposing this theme, unknown to the general public, the Museum of Fine Arts of Carcassonne participates in the enhancement of a heritage of national interest sunk, nowadays, in anonymity.

A first in France
For the first time since the 2019 fire, pieces of silverware from the treasure of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral will be on display. These works, reliquaries of the Passion of Christ, saved by men at the risk of their lives, are today treasured in the reserves of the Louvre Museum.

The Museum of Fine Arts of Carcassonnne is pleased and proud to offer its visitors this exceptional exhibition «Viollet-Le-Duc, Trésors d’exception» which offers the unique opportunity to discover the unknown work of an artist whose major role in French history is well established.


From June 29, 2024 to September 29, 2024 – 09:45 to 12:30 & 13:30 to 18:15


Musée des Beaux Arts
15 boulevard Camille Pelletan
Lat. 43° 12′ 45.43″ – Lon. 2° 21′ 18.98″

Route & access
