Getting to Aude

I travel by car
Autoroute des Deux Mers (A61) – Fast Motorway (number 61):
Exits to Castelnaudary (exit 21), Bram (exit 22), Carcassonne Ouest (exit 23), Carcassonne Est (exit 24), Lézignan-Corbières (exit 25), Narbonne Sud (exit 38).
Autoroute «la Languedocienne» (A9) – Fast Motorway (number 9):
Exits to Narbonne Est (exit 37), Narbonne Sud (exit 38), Sigean-Port la Nouvelle (exit 39), Fitou – Leucate (exit 40)
Local Roads:
RD 6113 Toulouse – Carcassonne – Narbonne,
RD 6009 Béziers – Narbonne – Perpignan,
D613 Andorre – Ax les Thermes – Belcaire – Quillan,
RD118 Mazamet – Carcassonne.
Where to recharge your electric vehicle?
Discover all the public electric charging stations in the Aude department.
For eco-responsible travel during your vacations, weekends and stays in the Aude, share your journey as a driver or passenger on
Carpooling areas
Discover all the carpooling areas of the Aude department.
I travel by bus
I travel by train
TGV Méditerranée (Mediterranean rapid train), Main lines and Express regional trains.
Main SNCF railway stations: Carcassonne – Narbonne – Lézignan-Corbières, and also Bram, Leucate-La Franqui, Port la Nouvelle.
Easy access also by train from Toulouse or Perpignan stations.
I travel by plane
Carcassonne, Toulouse and Montpellier Airports